SEVEN Soiling Sensor calculates the soiling rate of the PV system by comparing the irradiance values received from
two clean and dirty irradiance sensors. While the dirty irradiance sensor in the system is exposed to soiling in the same
way as the panels, the clean irradiance sensor is automatically cleaned every day. Monitoring systems give the user the
energy loss by comparing the two irradiance values according to the data received from the cleaned and dirty irradiance


Item Code 3S-SMS-MB
Soiling Ratio 0% – 100%
Resolution 0,1
Uncertainty ≤1%
Data Output RS485 up to 38400 Baud
Communication Protocol Modbus RTU
Output Rate 1/s
Operating Temperature Range -20°C … +85°C
Operating Humidity Range 0 to 100% RH
Power Supply 110-240V AC or 24V 5A DC
Power Consumption 20 mA @ 24 V DC When the pump is passive
3 A @ 24 V DC When the pump is active
Electrical Connection 3 m LI2Y(st)C11Y PUR Cable (UV and weather-resistant)
Galvanic Isolation 1000 V between power supply and RS485 Bus
Water Tank Capacity 18 Liter
Water Consumption 36lt/year (2 times filling per year)
Washing Liquid 100% Pure Water when the ambient temperature is above 0°C
65% Pure Water + 35% Antifreeze when the ambient temperature is below 0°C
Water Hose Length 5 m (on request up to 20m)
Max. Water Line Height 5 m
IP Rating IP54 (Optional IP65)
Weight 10.5 kg
Followed Standard IEC61724-1 (Annex C)

The system consumes approx. 100 mililiter water for single run for 2,5 meters water hose length. The water tank is able to serve 400 days (13.3 months). Consult SEVEN if the water hose longer than 2,5 meters.